

how long has it been? i haven't felt the motivation to sit and put my thoughts into words in quite some time. i've been putting my thoughts and feelings into quotes/videos/songs at my new tumblr blog. billywells.tumblr.com. but just now, and a lot recently i have been looking at my picture of dwi desty ipol, who is called desty. she is the beautiful little girl who jessica and i support through compassion. i have a small picture of her pinned to my wall to remind me to pray for her and just to see her beautiful face:

i love that God, through man, has made it possible through photography: to see a person from anywhere in the world. i know what she looks like. i feel like i can tell that she is a little sassy, but probably out of a very passionate and loving personality. and i know, somewhat, what her surroundings are like. through airplanes/world travel: that people were able to get to her, make relationships with her family and village, and orchestrate the compassion project where she is, in her culture. through music: that i was able to go to a concert where an artist (aaron ivey) led me in worship of our God, and brought me the realization of compassion and its works. and essentially to a compassion packet holding the future support of desty. through the internet/electronic money system: that i made a click with my mouse on my computer and compassion can take my money and funnel it directly to indonesia to become food, medicine, school supplies, clothes, teacher salary, worker salary all for this beautiful little child. through email/paper: that we can write her letters and she can write us, and through translators: that even with our land and language barriers we can have as real of a relationship with her as possible without actually meeting in person. and through God's grace in all these things that she will grow up and have a real chance to get a job, go to college, support her family, and live under the grace of Christ, and amazingly, we can meet her in person. i've heard flack over how compassion isn't the perfect system - it isn't perfectly self sustainable. but for jess and i - its made us enter into a $32 a month,14 year commitment to desty. i love that out of our abundance we can do something as small as affecting one small child's life. God, thank you for this small representation of your Kingdom at work. the simple love of sharing one's blessings with another who needs them more than we do. just like having two tunics, we have at least 'two sets' of $32 laying around.